Here is a map of the North-East part of Iceland with the places described on the page marked by a red dot.
Distance from Reykjavik to Akureyri is about 390 km. Distance from Akureyri to following places is about:
Húsavík: 90 km - Ásbyrgi 160 km - Mývatn: 100 km - Egilsstaðir: 265 km.
Sailing from Akureyri to Grímsey: 3 hours.
Flying from Akureyri to Grímsey: 25 min. Flying from Reykjavík to Grímsey: 2 hours.
Driving from Akureyri to Dalvík: 20 min. Sailing from Dalvík to Hrísey: 15 min.